Wednesday, March 21, 2018

The Difference In a Year

Graduation is all about change. I could take on and on about the changes that have happened over the past year(I actually have. If you want to listen to it, go to Having a chronic illness makes you realize what is truly important. I place a high value on all of my relationships and the people I chose to have in my life and the people who chose to have me in theirs.

On a broader sense, what is important is how you respond to the change you are going to face as you move forward.

Plans change. Jobs fall through. Illnesses occur. Babies get born. You learn to build yourself from the ground up. For me the most important thing has been laying a foundation of faith and relationship with God. Luckily, I have had years of faith formation that started with my family, high school youth group, and being involved with Bronco Catholic.

Again, it really took a slap in the face to realize that you don't have to be doing everything to still lead a meaningful life. I had to out out working certain places and cut out different faith ministries that I wasn't getting any joy from(I just felt like I had to participate because I technically had the time to go to it). I had to find my balance.

It's amazing how freeing it is to finally feel like all the different aspects of your life are in balance. I have a good grip on my work and I make sure to turn off my work brain after I clock out. I try to go to daily mass twice a week, have adoration once a week, and go to Sunday mass. Some weeks I leave open my Thursdays to have a drink with my coworkers. Every other week I meet up with my prayer group from the First Spiritual Exercises and we catch up and grow in our faith together. I continue to go to Theology on Taps and am now the Communications Director for FirePit ministry(

I know a bunch of seniors that are graduating this year -Monica, Janelle, Emily, Ian- I am so proud to first of all call you my friends. You have all helped me grow so much and I am awed by what amazing, spiritual people you all are. You have helped me through the rough times and you have celebrated with me during the good times ( and I with you). You are all great examples of what it means to be a friend and a follower of Christ. I advise you to continue to follow your heart and pray that you will be able to follow God's will to wherever he will take you. I know that you will all go on to accomplish amazing things. You already have at your short time at college, so you can't even imagine what God is going to do with your life going forward.

It's impossible to be ready for what God is going to do in your life, but you can be open to the goodness and grace he has in store for you if you just keep your faith.