Friday, February 5, 2016


Since I have been feeling so distance from the church and God, I made the decision weeks ago that I would try to be more active in church/St. Paul's in general.

I have been spending time between classes and working out there. I go to the student campus minister meetings(even though I don't really contribute much). I still do choir, but I've been doing that pretty much since I started college. I joined a bible study. I feel like I am there so much! Which I think has been a good thing.

Yesterday I went to go pray in the chapel for a little bit. I've never done that before on my own or when there isn't an actual adoration or mass going on. I spent the first five minutes getting over the awkwardness of that. It's not that it's awkward, but I feel silly because I've never done it before. I wasn't even planning on doing it. I had a meeting with my career advisor about internships and graduate school, and I felt like I needed some one on one time with Jesus to sort through everything without the distractions at my apartment.

I feel like I was able to talk through everything even though a couple musicians came in after a bit to go over Ash Wednesday music.

For the first time since probably last spring- I feel like I am finally back to where I was spiritually. I feel confident and ready to take on whatever comes my way!

However, I know that I can't stop here. Spirituality isn't a skill that gets topped off at a peak. It keeps on going up! There are so many amazing people to aspire to. Some of whom are in my parish :)

Little more of a life update:

I am super busy these next couple of weeks! I have Service Saturday where I'm going to be a site leader over at the Good Samaritan House. Then an hour after that I am helping out at the Capstone Crab Feast where the proceeds go towards our orphanage in Tijuana, Mexico. On Tuesday, I am manning the photo booth for our Mardi Gras party! On Ash Wednesday, I am going to be photographing out 8 AM mass. I also have two exams to study for this week, bleh. Finance and Organizational Behavior!

For Valentine's weekend I get a romantic weekend back home at my high school best friend's wedding. I'm spending a day with my sister's family in Pocatello. On that Saturday is the wedding- She's Mormon, so it will be a sealing ceremony that I can't attend, and then pictures and a luncheon! Oh and I'm a bridesmaid :) I might be coming back up either Sunday morning or evening. It really depends on how my parents are doing.