Sunday, June 7, 2020

Noli me tangere

“Noli me tangere” translates roughly to “Don’t touch me”. 

It’s my Irish family motto from my grandmother’s side. I always laughed because I thought it literally meant don’t touch me. After having a rough afternoon and having a really good late night conversation with my sister, I think I understand this saying. It means “Don’t mess with me”. We are a fiercely close and loyal bunch. Our default is to be happy go lucky because we generally love people, and we all seek to help others and enrich the lives of those around us. We know the value and importance of each member of our our family, and we love each other. 

If anyone impedes on one our family members happiness, we will give our warning “Noli me tangere”. I suggest you take it. Or else you will have some of the smartest people in different areas of expertise working against you to bring you to your knees.

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